Also available for pick-up or delivery- Big Boar BBQ’s “BBQ FOR THE CREW” ! Great for events where you want to have our award winning BBQ but don’t need Catering. Available Hot or Cold.
**Orders of more that 5 lb. requires 2 days notice please.**
Great for:
- Football Games
- Graduations
- Reunions
- House Parties
Next time you visit our restaurant, pick up a lb. to keep in your freezer. It’s simple to warm it up when you need to enjoy some Big Boar BBQ but can’t make the trip to our restaurant.

Catering Form
BURLAP AND BELLS https://www.burlapandbells.com
JUSTIN TRAILS https://www.justintrails.com
ON A WHIM https://www.onawhimevents.com
STONEY CREEK http://www.stoneycreekhotels.com
LA CRESCENT EVENT CENTER https://www.lacrescentareaeventcenter.org
COURT ABOVE MAIN https://www.thecourtabovemain.com
GATHERINGS ON THE RIDGE https://gatheringsontheridge.com
COUNTRY PLEASURES https://www.countrypleasuresbandb.com
NORSKEDALEN https://www.norskedalen.org
PEDRETTI PARTY BARN https://www.vernonvineyards.com
B’S PLACE https://bsplacellc.com
MAPLE GROVE https://www.maplegrovevenues.com
MT LA CROSSE http://mtlacrosse.com
DOC 7 https://www.boothillpub.com
TENBA RIDGE WINERY https://www.tenbaridgewine.com
COUNTRY REFLECTIONS https://country-reflections.business.site
ISLAND CITY BREWERY http://islandcitybrew.com
PEARL STREET BREWERY https://pearlstreetbrewery.com
GRAND HOTEL BALL ROOM https://www.pearlstreetwest.com/grand-hotel-ballroom
HOSTMANNS HOMESTEAD https://horstmannhomesteadevents.com
ELMARO WINERY http://elmarovineyard.com
BRAMBLEBERRY WINERY https://brambleberrybandb.com
BARN ON SOUTHRIDGE https://www.barnonsouthridge.com
CONCORDIA BALL ROOM https://www.concordiaballroom.com/
OMNI CENTER https://www.cityofonalaska.com/eventhosting
THE GATHERING PLACE https://couleecremation.com/receptions/
WELTZIEN FAMILY ROUND BARN https://weltzien-family-round-barn.business.site/
CEDAR CREEK https://cedarcreekbarn.com/
CELEBRATIONS ON THE RIVER https://celebrationslacrosse.com/
GARDEN VALLEY GATHERINGS http://www.gardenvalleygatherings.com/
RIDGETOP GATHERING PLACE https://www.ridgetopgatheringplace.com/